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Phuntsho Wangchuk Rinzin is the co-founder and President of Gola Gola Bhutan, a youth-led social service initiative established on May 22, 2022, by four enthusiastic youths. The name ‘Gola’ translates to ‘Cloth’ in reference to the initiative’s primary focus. Founded on two core principles, the organization is committed to providing clothing assistance to those in need and minimizing the excessive waste generated by the clothing industry.

Q: Can you tell me the reason behind the initiation of Gola Gola Bhutan and the background story of the initiation?
A: Firstly, I want to thank Bhutan Today on behalf of the Gola Gola Bhutan family for inviting me to reach our voice to the general public. Gola Gola Bhutan consists of four founding members, including me. On top of that, we have recently had a total of 156 volunteers join us since we started the volunteer program in November 2023. They support us monetarily and inform us about the places where donations are needed. The initiative was initially started as a tribute to His Majesty, the King. Besides that, our prime motive was to provide clothes to those people who donโ€™t have access to good clothing. On the other hand, globally, about 80 to 100 billion clothes are manufactured each year, of which about 80% become waste products. So, Gola Gola Bhutan also focuses on minimizing waste.

Q: How does Gola Gola Bhutan align its work with the culture and climatic conditions of the country?
A: In considering culture, our approach is not unique to Bhutan but resonates globally. We appreciate the shared value of โ€˜the Culture of wearing good clothes.โ€™ Consequently, our meticulous care for clothes goes beyond mere washing; we scrutinize each garment to ensure its suitability for donation. Clothes deemed unsuitable for direct donation are repurposed into dusters or tablecloths, supplying them to schools nationwide.
Turning to climatic conditions, we exercise caution. For instance, in locations like Phuentsholing, where the climate demands a strategic approach, we refrain from providing thick clothing. Instead, we opt for thin, cotton-fiber garments that facilitate better heat dissipation.
During our venture, skepticism arose about the condition of the donated clothes. To address this, I injected humor by likening our donated clothes to โ€œJB clothes.โ€ By this, I meant to convey that our donated clothes are of high enough quality to wear with confidence.

Q: If someone wants to donate clothes, they can contact Gola Gola Bhutan?
A: If you have excess clothes at home and would like to reach out to us, itโ€™s very simple. You can find us on all major social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, X, and even TikTok. Additionally, you can contact us by phone at 17615602 or 17919797. Weโ€™re always here to assist you.

Q: What are the challenges faced by Gola Gola Bhutan?
A: As every organization faces challenges, Gola Gola Bhutan also encounters its own. Recently, we had a venture at Nubji Gewog under Trongsa Dzongkhag, which was very fruitful. However, we actually want to start a new venture, but we are lacking clothes. Additionally, we have to travel or parcel clothes to different places, where we have to pay charges and fares, but we lack the budget for this. These are the two major challenges we are facing right now.

Q: What are the Gola Gola Bhutan future plan?
A: As of now, we have two major plans. Number one is the โ€˜drop site plan.โ€™ As mentioned earlier, we are facing a shortage of clothes, primarily due to a lack of access and awareness. To address this, we will be installing drop site boxes in places where a huge number of people visit. This way, they donโ€™t have to contact us directly; they can easily donate while going to the market or buying vegetables. We will collect the donated clothes from the drop site boxes every month.
On the other hand, we are planning to introduce clubs in colleges across Bhutan. The reason for starting clubs in colleges is primarily because the youth form the highest number of consumers in the fashion industry, and we want to educate them about the waste generated through clothes. Additionally, we aim to provide them with an opportunity to be part of our team and contribute in small ways to help people.


As advised by His Majesty, the King to work selflessly and dedicatedly for the country, I also want to request to everyone the same. There will be nothing in this world that we canโ€™t achieve if we work dedicatedly holding our hand together. Till date Gola Gola Bhutan have received so many support for everyone. Being of motto or slogan โ€œTogether We canโ€ we promise to be the bridge between the people who have excess of clothes and the pople who have access to clothes. Letโ€™s work to gather to eradicate the clothing problem in our country. So, โ€œTOGETHER WE CAN.โ€

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