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By Sonam Choki

In the bustling border town of Phuentsholing, where cultures converge and life moves at a brisk pace, Kezang Tsheringโ€™s journey into addiction began in the year 2000.

It was a time when young minds, like his, were easily swayed by external influences, and the allure of substances and alcohol was ever-present. Kezangโ€™s story is one of struggle, self-discovery, and eventual redemption, offering a powerful narrative of recovery from the depths of addiction.

Kezangโ€™s introduction to substance use started innocuously. Influenced by movies and older peers, he first took up smoking, a gateway habit that gradually led him towards more dangerous substances. His early encounters with alcohol were shrouded in secrecy and rebellion. As a child, he and his friends would stealthily acquire alcohol by asking their parents for money under false pretenses, using the funds to buy drinks. To hide their indulgence, they would mask the smell of alcohol with food and keep their distance from their parents, all while maintaining an air of normalcy.

The turning point came when Kezang was in Class Six. He befriended two classmates who were already entrenched in substance use. Curious about their constant excitement and apparent happiness, he asked them about their secret. โ€œI still remember the day they gave me two tablets,โ€ Kezang recalls. โ€œAfter taking them, I was completely out of touch with reality.โ€ When he regained consciousness, he found himself at home, confused and alarmed. This initial experience was so impactful that, despite the shock, he soon found himself immersed in the world of substances.

As Kezangโ€™s addiction progressed, substances became a regular part of his life. The easy availability of alcohol made it a frequent substitute when substances were not accessible. Shopkeepers, wary of selling alcohol to underage youth, were often convinced through persuasion. Despite this, Kezang and his friends continued their patterns of consumption, initially using substances to avoid detection and later relying more on alcohol as it became a more convenient option.

Kezangโ€™s journey took a darker turn on December 17, 2010, after his higher secondary school graduation. At a farewell party, he consumed a dangerous mixture of substances and alcohol, resulting in a severe overdose. โ€œI was unconscious for three days,โ€ he recounts. When he woke up in a hospital with oxygen masks and monitors, he was shocked to learn that his near-death experience had kept him away from life for three days. This incident marked a significant moment of reckoning for Kezang.

Although the overdose forced him to confront his addiction, the initial fear of facing legal consequences was mitigated by his age, and he was released after a brief detention. Despite a temporary cessation of substance use, Kezang quickly relapsed. The lack of professional help and the pressing demands of college life led him back to his old habits.

By 2015, Kezangโ€™s addiction had driven him into a cycle of self-destructive behavior, including fights, dishonesty, and legal troubles. An overdose in Thimphu, though less severe than his previous incidents, further emphasized the urgent need for change. โ€œFrom that day, I regretted my actions and quit using substances,โ€ he admits. However, his dependency had shifted to alcohol, which he considered more socially acceptable and less stigmatized.

In 2020, recognizing the escalating nature of his addiction, Kezang sought help at a rehabilitation center. The introduction to the Twelve-Step Program was a pivotal moment in his recovery. Despite his initial commitment, he struggled with relapses, a common challenge in the journey to sobriety. His dependence on alcohol persisted, and he continued to wrestle with the complexities of his addiction.

Kezangโ€™s parents, deeply concerned about his well-being, encouraged him to seek treatment at the Bhutan Institute of Well-being in Tsaluna, Thimphu. After a three-month stint at the center, he managed to stay sober for fifteen months. Yet, this period of sobriety revealed another layer of his struggle: a superficial abstinence devoid of genuine personal growth. โ€œI was just experiencing a ‘dry drunk’ attitude,โ€ he reflects. โ€œI wasnโ€™t drinking, but I also wasnโ€™t working on myself.โ€

Kezang tried his hand on numerous organizations and private firm to make a decent living. He also tried to run his own business; a travel agent. Unfortunately, he failed to cope up or manage his addictive behaviour.
Realizing that his recovery required more than mere abstinence, Kezang relapsed several times and sought further help from the center. His battle with addiction took him to India for advanced treatment. Upon returning to Bhutan, he joined the Happiness Center in Phuentsholing, a decision that marked the beginning of a more committed and structured recovery journey.

The Happiness Center provided Kezang with a supportive environment and comprehensive aftercare services. He underwent four months of aftercare and began contributing to the center by providing support to others. The Twelve-Step Program and the support groups offered him a framework to relate his experiences to others, fostering a sense of community and mutual understanding.

Kezangโ€™s role at the Happiness Center evolved as he took on responsibilities such as overseeing administrative tasks and acting as a peer counselor. His daily routine involves reflecting on his work, drawing inspiration from motivational quotes, and remaining engaged with the recovery process. โ€œEverything Iโ€™m doing now is based on the Twelve-Step Program we practiced during rehabilitation,โ€ he notes.

His involvement in support groups and self-help meetings has been instrumental in his ongoing recovery. By sharing his experiences and learning from others, Kezang has developed effective coping strategies and emotional resilience. He acknowledges that recovery is an ongoing process with its ups and downs, but his commitment to personal growth remains steadfast.

As he approaches two years of sobriety this November, Kezangโ€™s story is a testament to the resilience required to overcome addiction. At 35, he recognizes the gaps in his life caused by his addiction but remains hopeful and focused on his recovery. His journey reflects not just personal triumph but also a beacon of hope for others facing similar struggles.

Reflecting on his past, Kezang expresses deep gratitude for his familyโ€™s unwavering support. โ€œI want to thank my family for standing by me through all situations,โ€ he says. Their belief in him has been a cornerstone of his recovery. Additionally, he credits the Happiness Center for playing a crucial role in helping him rebuild his relationships with family and society.

Kezangโ€™s experience underscores the importance of perseverance, support, and self-reflection in the recovery process. He emphasizes that recovery is not just about staying clean but also about living clean. โ€œIt is easy to stay clean, but what we need is to live clean,โ€ he shares. This mindset shift has been vital in his journey towards a more fulfilling life.
His message to others struggling with addiction is one of hope and resilience. โ€œEverything is possible, and itโ€™s true that people like us can recover and live clean,โ€ he asserts. By focusing on positive thoughts and behavior, individuals in recovery can navigate their journey towards healing and personal growth.

Kezangโ€™s story is a powerful reminder that addiction is not a life sentence but a challenge that can be overcome with the right support and mindset. His journey from addiction to recovery is marked by significant personal growth, renewed relationships, and a commitment to helping others. As he continues to work at the Happiness Center and support others in their recovery, Kezang Tsheringโ€™s life stands as a testament to the transformative power of resilience and recovery.

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