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By Kezang Choden

Panbang Dungkhag in Zhemgang Dzongkhag witnessed a significant milestone with the Salang Tendrel (groundbreaking ceremony) for a 132 kV Gas Insulated Substation (GIS) at Lungjung. This pivotal event marks the initiation of a transformative power infrastructure project set to bolster the power supply in the Lower Kheng region.

The ceremony was attended by prominent figures including the Speaker of the National Assembly, officials from Zhemgang Dzongkhag, Bhutan Power Corporation (BPC), and the International Finance Corporation (IFC).
The project, estimated at Nu 413.16 million, is expected to be completed within 15 months and promises to greatly benefit the gewogs of Goshing, Bjoka, Ngangla, and Phangkhar.

Currently, Panbang Dungkhag’s power supply is dependent on the Tingtibi-Gomphu feeder and the Nganglam substation. These lines, part of the Rural Electrification Project, traverse challenging terrain and dense forests, making them susceptible to frequent disruptions. Harsh weather conditions, including heavy rainfall, lightning, windstorms, and landslides, often cause outages, affecting homes, businesses, schools, and health facilities.

The new 132 kV GIS substation is set to address these issues by offering a more reliable and stable power supply. Utilizing advanced technology, the substation will be less vulnerable to environmental factors that currently lead to outages. This development is a crucial step in BPC’s mission to provide dependable electricity to even the most remote areas of Bhutan and aligns with the 13th Five Year Plan, which emphasizes infrastructure development to support rural communities.

Local leaders and residents have expressed optimism about the impact of the new substation. Tshering Wangchuk, the Gup of Bjoka Gewog, shared the struggles his community has faced with power reliability. โ€œIn the past, power outages could last up to a week, especially during the monsoon season,โ€ he said. โ€œThis unreliable electricity affected not only our homes but also critical services like schools and the Basic Health Unit (BHU).โ€

For the 170 households in Bjoka, frequent power cuts have been a significant challenge. Daily chores, studies, and health services have been disrupted, leading to hardships for residents. Gup Tshering hopes that the new substation will alleviate these problems, ensuring that essential public services can function effectively regardless of weather conditions.

Gup Rinchen Tshering of Ngangla Gewog also expressed relief and anticipation for the new facility. โ€œOur community has long faced power disruptions due to wildlife interference,โ€ he explained. In Ngangla, animals often became entangled in power lines, causing outages and sometimes harming the animals. These incidents required frequent maintenance, adding to the difficulties for the 437 households in the gewog.

โ€œThe new substation, which has been planned since the 13th Five Year Plan, will significantly reduce these issues,โ€ Gup Rinchen noted. He emphasized that the new infrastructure will lower the risk of power outages during the monsoon season, providing a more reliable electricity supply. Residents of Ngangla, who have long awaited this improvement, are now looking forward to a future with fewer disruptions and greater stability.

The sentiment is shared by Gup Tashi of Phangkhar Gewog, where 211 households will directly benefit from the new substation. He highlighted the challenges faced during natural calamities, particularly heavy rainfall and landslides, which often led to prolonged power outages. โ€œFor years, our people had to endure long power cuts, creating anxiety during the monsoon season,โ€ Gup Tashi said.

He believes the new GIS substation will provide much-needed relief and stability. โ€œWith this infrastructure in place, we can expect a more reliable and stable power supply,โ€ he added. The advantages of consistent electricity extend beyond convenience, they also support economic and social development. Reliable power is crucial for improving living standards, aiding local businesses, and ensuring that public services like schools and health centers operate smoothly.
For the 248 households in Goshing Gewog, the new substation represents a turning point. Gup Namgay emphasized the project’s transformative potential, describing it as a milestone in the community’s development. โ€œThis substation is more than just an infrastructure project, it symbolizes progress and an improved quality of life for our people,โ€ he said.

Previously, residents of Goshing often endured 5 to 6 days without electricity during adverse weather conditions. These outages disrupted daily activities and limited economic opportunities. The new substation is expected to significantly reduce these challenges, providing a stable power supply that supports community growth and development.

The construction of the 132 kV GIS substation in Panbang signifies more than just an infrastructure upgrade, it reflects the government’s commitment to rural development and equitable progress. By investing in crucial infrastructure, the government aims to bridge the gap between urban and rural areas, ensuring all citizens have access to the resources and services needed for a thriving life.

As the project progresses, it will bring tangible benefits to the people of Lower Kheng, improving their quality of life and supporting their aspirations for a brighter future. The new substation is anticipated to be a key driver of economic and social development in the region, laying the groundwork for a more prosperous and sustainable future for all.

The groundbreaking ceremony at Lungjung marks the beginning of a new chapter for Panbang Dungkhag. With the backing of the Bhutan Power Corporation, the International Finance Corporation, and the government, the residents of Zhemgang Dzongkhag can look forward to a future where a reliable power supply is a standard feature, not a luxury.

This project, grounded in resilience, sustainability, and community empowerment, is set to transform rural Bhutan, one kilowatt at a time. The groundbreaking ceremony for a 132 kV Gas Insulated Substation at Lungjung took place on August 26, 2024.

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