By Tshering
The newly opened Business Incubation Unit (BIU) will help promote employability among the graduates of TTIs and IZCs and further consolidate the skills and knowledge of trainees at the Thimphu Institute for Zorig Chusum (IZC).
BIU has become increasingly common for stimulating local development through fostering the growth of small-business in many parts of the world. Since the closure of Construction Service Center (CSC), many private agencies have started to operate constructions service centers with recommendation from the labour ministry.
The Department of Technical Education is focusing on establishment of BIU in TTIs and IZCs instead of establishing the Construction Service Center in Thimphu to encourage the growth of private sectors.
The initiative will further improve skills and knowledge of the trainees through on-job-training (OJT) and apprenticeship training program. BIU provides services such as maintenance of public and private housings, execution of government, private and corporate construction works, specialised skilled services and repair works.
The BIU will also help trainees identify and negotiate for possible projects and act as a bridge between relevant agencies for entrepreneurship trainings. The initiative is also expected to contribute towards the private sector development where the industries can employ skilled local workers. The unit was established at a cost of Nu 500,000.
Technical Education Department under the labour ministry will monitor the BIUโs function which is expected to reduce dependency on foreign workers and meet the national demand for workers.
Labour minister Ngeema Sangay Tshempo launched the event. He said BIU would contribute toward the private sector development wherein the industries can recruit and employ local skilled workers who are in a position to deliver quality work and thereby improve the image of workers in Bhutan.
Vice Principal of Thimphu Institute for Zorig Chusum, Yeshey Namgay said, BIU will find projects for the trainees and graduates and 80 percent of income generated from projects will be for the trainees and site supervisors and remaining 20 percent will be deposited at BIU for development purposes.
The main objectives for the BIU is to operate as an incubator to providing TTIs and IZCs trainees and graduates to gain required experience and building confidence in handling real life projects to further consolidate the skills and knowledge acquired. It will also bring together to potential business partners and encourage development of business plans and form โSelf Organized Groupsโ.
BIU will also promote the image of TVET workers by professionalizing the job through use of labour saving technology and equipment, personal protection equipment and other necessary measures. BIU will reduce dependency on foreign workers and meet the national demand of workers.
BIU will offer services (new projects as well as maintenance works) offering solutions to meet clientโs needs and assist trainees in identifying and negotiating for possible projects.
It will also assist trainees in coordinating projects to ensure timely competition and effective utilization of resources and liaise with relevant agencies for re-training and entrepreneurship training to find permanent employment solutions and obtain micro-financing for self-employment of interested trainees.
The BIU will accommodate trainees from NCII and NCIII of TTIs and the final year trainees from IZCs based on the need analysis.
According to labour ministry, there are 1,432 technical trainees at six Technical Training Institutes and two Institutes for Zorig Chusum in the country. The labour ministry in 2015 first introduced the unit at TTI in Chumey, Bumthang, followed by TTI-Dekiling in Gelephu, Sarpang.
Yesterday, Thimphu Institute for Zorig Chusum and TTI at Khuruthang, Punakha launched its BIU. Another business incubation unit will be soon launched in TTI-Rangjung, Trashigang. The Department of Technical Education in the Labour ministry initiated the BIU.