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Student excel in Regional Digital Challenge at Bangkok

By Phurpa Wangmo


Dorji Gyeltshen, a second year student from Computer Science, Sherubtยญse College stood third in the Regional ICDL Digital Challenge 2018 finals held in Bangkok. The top two students from 10 countries including Bhutan, China, Malaysia, Philippines, India, Sri Lanka, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand and Vietยญnam competed in the grand finale.

Dorji represented Bhutan along with Dorji Wangchuk from the Royal Institute of Management (RIM) at terยญtiary level, Subham Chhetri of Pelkhil School and Deepยญshik of Motithang Higher Secondary School at secondยญary level.

The finalists in Bhutan were chosen after a national round digital challenge held in Thimphu, in July this year in collaboration with RIM at the end of the digiยญtal camp for 21 finalists from 11 participating institutions. More than 500 Bhutanese students participated for the digital challenge.

The finalists received a sponsored trip to Thailand to participate in the grand finale. The local hospitality for ICDL Asia sponsored two days and Bhutan Media & Communications Institute (BMCI) managed the local championship and other asยญpects related to participation in the finals through local sponsors in Bhutan.

This is the second ICDL computer and digital compeยญtition in Asia. The competiยญtion was open to tertiary and university students between 18 โ€“ 25 years old. The first two rounds of competition have been conducted in the respective home countries.

The 3 rounds of compeยญtition tested students on selected ICDL modules inยญcluding Word Processing, Spreadsheets, Presentation, Online Collaboration and IT Security.

ICDL digital challenge aimed to search and recogยญnize the top students with the best digital and ICT skills in South Asian Reยญgion. ICDL is the worldโ€™s leading computer testing and certification program with its presence in over 150 countries.

The top four were able to interact and learn from other participants from the region, this also allowed the participants to bench mark them selves internationally.

The participation of the students to the final was supported by corporation and private business entities in the country.

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