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The reality of TVET: National Council

The Technical and Vocaยญtional Education and Trainยญing (TVET) are unable to respond effectively to the purpose it was established for.

It was learnt in the ongoยญing 22nd session of National Council (NC) on January 8, that TVET system has been failing to meet its standard. The matter was submitted by Special Committee for TVET for deliberation to the House.

According to the interim review report on TVET, it stated that the system conยญtinue to face significant challenges particularly in access, relevancy and qualยญity of skills. It added that such challenges are further aggravated by the rapid ecoยญnomic transformation and changing market requireยญments.

The preliminary findings of the report stated that the major factors attributing to the low growth of TVET are lack of TVET policy stewardship, inadequate atยญtention on developing proยญfessional services, partial implementation of Bhutan Vocational Qualification Framework (BVQF), weak TVET-industry linkages, and lack of adequate finanยญcial and human resources.

The report also stated that Ministry of Labour and Human Resources have been facing challenges reยญgarding the policy frameยญwork. They have reported to the committee that the existing policy is limited in its scope to cover all TVET providers under one frameยญwork since some providยญers of programs in sector-specific agencies including health, tourism and agriยญculture have implemented their independent policy and related regulations.

TVET has been allocated a budget of 1.8 percent of the total budget outlay or Nu. 2.1 bn in the 12th Five Year Plan (FYP). However, the committee showed conยญcerns over the minimal share of overall national budget outlay. The report showed that the overall capยญital share of the total outlay has been less than 1.5 perยญcent in the 9th, 10th and 11th FYP periods.

Lhuentseโ€™s NC, Tempa Dorji said that there is only 0.3 percent increase in the budget. He added that TVET, if provided more asยญsistance of investment, it could generate skillful youths and workforce reยญducing the rate of unemยญployment.

Due to the lack of adยญequate financial resource, the share of the Technical Training Institutes (TTI) has been minimal. As a reยญsult, it has constrained the TTIs in having adequate inยญfrastructure, teaching and learning materials, tools and equipments, health and safety gears, working uniform, industrial linkยญages, and industrial tours.

As of now, the TTIs of labour ministry provide TVET programs only at the certificate level. However, the ministry was not able to provide government scholarships outside the country according to the report.

The session discussed about the lack of opportuยญnities for the top performยญing TTI graduates to purยญsue higher technical and vocational education. The report concluded it as one of the reasons for failing to attract good performers from school education in the TVET programs.

Some of the NC memยญbers suggested on making TVET programs more atยญtractive and quality based with more amount of pracยญtical classes than theory with relevance to time, skills and technology. Adยญdressing the issue of unยญemployment rates, the members also suggested on conducting more studยญies regarding the TVET programs being less preยญferred by the youths.

The Committee will presยญent the full review findings with recommendation to the 23rd session of the NC this summer.


By Kinley Wangchuk

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