Breaking News


Managing waste- loosing focus?

Far away from the madding crowd of the capital, at Memelakha, there is much more than the dumped waste that is rotting. The stench is an indication that after decades of planning, we are still grappling with the same problem. Call it a policy failure or implementation, solid waste management, although recognized long ago, is still haunting us. It be …

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Going electronic

The last few weeks had been about going electronic. We launched the Point of Sale and the government is piloting the e-procurement systems in four agencies. The developments are a sign of Bhutan moving forward. If we can, why not, we should. But there are problems and we see that it is not going to be a smooth sailing. The …

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Many questions, few answers

It has been almost three weeks since a pilot and two crewmembers of the two airlines were tested positive for psychoactive substance and grounded. But not much is being known about the substances they tested positive for. There is a huge public interest, as the incident happened in the aviation sector, which is considered more severe. We can understand the …

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Something is not right

Something is not going right in the country today even as our attention is distracted by the war of words between our two giant neighbours in the northern boundary. While many are engaged or closely following the developments that is sensationalized by the regional media, it is good to take stock of what is happening within the boundary. We will …

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Over to parents and teachers

The health minister Tandin Wangchuk sent a very important message at the most appropriate time when calling on parents to help curb the drug problem. The country is overwhelmed with the rising drug problem. We may not be talking about hardcore drugs, but the substances that Bhutanese- young and old- abuse is bad enough to spoil life. It is increasingly …

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Gaining mileage?

Prime Minister Tshering Tobgday has lambasted the Druk Namrup Tshogpa for making noise so that they may be seen and heard. The issue follows what DNT said about the governmentโ€™s fiscal policy. They asked for the Prime Minister and the Finance ministerโ€™s resignation reasoning that the fiscal incentives the government decided was unconstitutional. The Prime minister hit where it hurts …

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Watch your mouth

Agriculture Minister Yeshey Dorji is known to be an honest man with a good sense of humour. However, his humour, if it was, on Friday was not appreciated. The opposition party is demanding an apology from the minister on calling the Member of Parliament from Bomdeling-Jamkhar, Dupthob Dorji, and an โ€œMP from Falakata.โ€ Falakata is in neighbouring India where most …

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Forging ahead together

The annual journalism conference was brief and precise. But there cannot be a more appropriate theme than the one they chose: โ€œForging ahead togetherโ€.   How do we move ahead together for the good of journalism? How do we forge to make journalism a respected and relevant profession? How do we forge together to move ahead? These are questions that …

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Time for the stick rule

Time for the stick rule The Thimphu thromde had let go hundreds of people who were found violating the solid waster management rules. They had warned the violators and would fine them if they repeat the offence. This is a good move from the thromde. The rules are in place and the thromde giving these people the last warning is …

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How do we preserve the vanishing cultures?

The stone slab is oily and smooth. There is no altar but three men are prostrating, murmuring some prayers. There is a small fire built to burn pine leaves as incense. On the stone slab are rice, meat, fruits and some cash. The men leave the place and wait. Two crows circle around the stone slab. They are satisfied. They …

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