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Systemic stagnation coerces Bhutanese to seek conducive environment overseas

โ€ฆ.old policies have failed to address the changing needs of the time, the system needs to be adapted and transformed to respond meaningfully, effectively and efficiently By Dechen Pem โ€œAs our youth mature and become adults, they have to shoulder greater responsibilities. They will need to take care of their parents, work, and build assets to secure their future. When …

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Hydroponic a Perennial Farming

Crops can be grown anywhere on earth at any time of the year, regardless of climatic conditions, availability of cultivable land, or soil quality with Hydroponic farming technic. By Dechen Wangda What if you could produce and grow everything you needed all year long in your own home?Hydroponics, also called aquaculture, nutriculture, soilless culture, or tank farming, the cultivation of …

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Makeup Artist- Passion to Profession

โ€ฆOne can do something that they are genuinely enthusiastic about and earn a living from it By Tenzin Lhaden Yeshi Choden runs a home-based makeup studio located at Changangkha. After graduating high school, she did not join any college rather she persuaded her passion and achieved what she always wanted to be. โ€œThere are a few discouraging words for not …

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NFT blockchain-based carbon credit to be commercialized

The carbon credit will be converted in non-fungible token (NFT) and will be commercialized By Sangay DorjiBhutan is a carbon negative nation which means Bhutan offsets and removes more carbon than it emits.Article 5, section 3 of constitution of Bhutan mandates the country to maintain minimum of sixty percent of Bhutanโ€™s total land shall be maintained under forest cover for …

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