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CSO training

The three days training for Civil Society Organizations (CSO) was conducted at United Nations house …

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Essential supply transporters face problems in Sorchen

…even business operators appealed to the taskforce Puran Gurung The transporters of essential supplies and restaurant operators at Sorchen are in a difficult situation, and the relevant authorities are yet to give them a definite solution to the problem raised by concerned parties. More than 100 transporters ferrying essential supplies to the rest of the country from Phuentsholing particularly Sorchen …

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Bharat-Bhutan Brotherhood

CONNECTING NATIONS, a monthly magazine publication registered by Government of India clarifies Indo-Bhutan issues: Construction of border walls at Jaigaon-Phuentsholing demarcation: Fact check: On 9th & 10th of September 2021, a โ€œ Joint Technical Level meeting between India & Bhutan on Indo- Bhutan boundary task was held at Chalsa-Malbazaar, Hotel Sinclairs.โ€ During this meeting, representatives from GoI & RGoB were …

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Unemployment rate of Phuentsholing is 4.8 percent, a RIGSS report

Phurpa Wangmo Owing to disruptions caused by the COVID-19 outbreak to labour markets, a study by Royal Institute for Governance and Strategic Studies (RIGSS) projects Phuentsholingโ€™s unemployment rate at 4.8 percent. This figure was collected in the working-age population (15 years and above) in the report Comprehensive Household Census of Phuentsholing Thromde and Peri-urban Areas (2021) โ€“ the tally accounts …

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165 victims of trafficking receive skilling and psychosocial support

By Sangay Choden In line with the standard operating procedure on multi-sectoral response to trafficking inperson, 165 victims of trafficking were referred to National Commission for Women andChildren (NCWC) for psychosocial support. Earlier in 2020, under His Majestyโ€™s Command, the government rescued 184 women fromthe Middle East โ€“ the government provided livelihood training, medical examination, shelterservices, and other necessities to …

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