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Bar license liberalization once regulation is ready

By Phurpa Wangmo Despite flak and criticisms from the general public, the Ministry of Economic Affairs (MoEA) has stated the moratorium on ban of bar licenses will be lifted once a regulation to reduce alcohol consumption is ready. The Economic Affairs Minister, Loknath Sharma, shared this during his recent visit to Sarpang dzongkhag. Members of the business community in the …

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Climate Change Threat is Getting Real

In Bhutan, recent freak weather phenomenon and varying degrees of change in the climatic-pattern has become a cause for anxiety By Rinchen Dorji Rising temperatures as a result of climate change are melting Bhutan’s immense collection of glaciers in its mountainous north, threatening significant human and economic devastation. Freak weather patterns, like the recent late spate of monsoons, has affected …

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Bhutanโ€™s conservation efforts to save the white-bellied herons

The country has listed 22 white-belied herons across the country By Sonam Choki The White-bellied Heron (Ardea insignis Hume) is a large heron species of the family Ardeidae, order Pelecaniformes, found in freshwater ecosystems of the Himalayas. It is categorized as critically endangered under the IUCN Red List of threatened species and protected under the Schedule I of Forests and …

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The mammoth task to achieve โ€˜Zero Wasteโ€™ by 2030

By Tandin Wangchuk A report by UNDP titled; Behavioral Insight- a Nudge towards circular economy states that with rapid socio-economic development the country has been seeing another growth, albeit an undesirable one,  waste management. It has become a scourge troubling many countries the world over, and a growing national concern. The UNDP report publiched last month states that in a …

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Enhancing tourism and biodiversity sectors

By Tandin Wangchuk The Bumdeling Wildlife Sanctuary (BWS) is one of the sites identified for the proposed eco-tourism project โ€œMainstreaming Biodiversity into the Tourism Sector.โ€ The Gross National Happiness Commission, Tourism Council of Bhutan and UNDP are in the process of finalizing the project proposal for submission to the Global Environment Facility.  If approved, it will work to promote community …

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