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Inoculation of children begins from South

By Sonam Choki The Ministry of Health kick-started the vaccination campaign for children aged 12-17 years with more than 800 school children in Phuentsholing and another 700 plus in Samtse inoculated as of today. The children were inoculated with N-biotechโ€™s Pfizer vaccine and this is the first time the government has initiated the drive as it wanted more time to …

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Tarayana Foundation: Reassuring hope and rebuilding lives

Founded by Her Royal Queen Mother Ashi Dorji Wangmo Wangchuck, Tarayana Foundation has brought sea changes in the country By Sonam Choki Of a host of development and philanthropic partners in the country, Tarayana Foundation an organization founded by Her Royal Queen Mother Ashi Dorji Wangmo Wangchuk has become the frontrunners of development in the country. Apart from building lives …

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Only 19 white-bellied herons in the country

For the first time in 19 years, no heron was sighted in Phochhu and Mochhu which once host highest and oldest known population in the country By Tandin Wangchuk The White-bellied Heron (Ardea insignis Hume 1878) is a large heron species of the family Ardeidae, order Pelecaniformes, found in freshwater ecosystems of the Himalayas. It is categorized as critically endangered …

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Bhutanese chilies an all-time hot favourite

By Chimi Wangmo Sergithang Gewog in Tsirang has become a hotbed for Bhutanese chilies, or popularly known as the Sha ema. A farmer, Dhan Ghalley, from Sergithang reported that early Bhutanese chilli (Sha Ema), the most preferred spice in our Bhutanese diet has been booming at their village in Tsirang for the last two years. The chilies have been cultivated …

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Slowing the Great Himalayan Glacier Melt

Curbing Air Pollution remains the Key to battling this growing global threat By Tandin Wangchuk Black carbon deposits originating from factories, cooking and vehicles are compounding the effects of climate change to speed up the melting of the Himalayan glaciers. Further, more aggressively curbing black carbon emissions can slow glacier melt and improve the security of water resources in the …

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