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Excitement mounts as bye-elections draws close

By Sonam Choki As the bye-elections in Mongar and Nganglam constituenciesโ€™ edge closer, parties and their candidate hopefuls are making the final dash to rule on the penultimate day which is scheduled on Tuesday June 29. Most candidates say the campaign period was a success and that they are ready to face the polls on June 29 which would decide …

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Building Back a Battered Bhutan

In their evolving quest to respond to the trials and tribulations of the Covid-19 pandemic, UNDP in Bhutan has been one of our major push factors By Phurpa Wangmo When the coronavirus pandemic took the world by storm, Bhutan took swift and decisive measures to seal its borders, quarantine Bhutanese returning from abroad, and prevent community transmission. For over six …

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Tackling climate ambition in Bhutan

By Tandin Wangchuk Bhutan is one of the most climate change vulnerable countries owing to its small economy, dependence on farming and agriculture, and nature of its topography among a host of other natural and socio-economic factors. However, Bhutanโ€™s commitment has been unwavering, even as it prepares to graduate from a Least Developed Country to a Middle-Income Country, and despite …

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A youth group advocates love and compassion

By Gayum Dema & Rinchen Phuntsho A youth group, Nazhoen Jangsem Tshogpa (NJT), has become a synonym for love and compassion in the country as they continue to propagate the message of compassion and solidarity through their altruistic acts.  The youth group was formed in 2019 by a handful of young enthusiasts who all shared a common interest โ€“ advocating …

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His Majesty the King enters quarantine

By Staff Reporter After almost a week-long tour of eastern Bhutan where His Majesty trekked from Merak in the north to Jomotshangkha in the south, His Majesty arrived in Thimphu on Friday and entered quarantine as per COVID protocol. His Majesty was accompanied on the Royal tour by His Royal Highness Gyaltshab Jigme Dorji and the Prime Minister, Lyonchen Dasho …

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