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Delta variant predominant in Bhutan

By Phurpa Wangmo The dreaded covid-19 variant โ€œDeltaโ€ has finally entered the country with the Health Ministry cautioning the public to be at their highest alert. Following extensive test results, the Ministry of Health Friday announced that the most prevalent variant causing a series of outbreak in the country is due to the presence of the COVID delta variant. From …

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Bhutan earning less whilst spending more

Increasing national debt and fiscal deficit prompts the question whether Bhutan is a spendthrift nation By Tashi Namgyal In what could be a crippling effect, the government will only have around Nu 1.3 Million at their disposal in the form of capital expenditure during this fiscal year. This is attributed to mounting expenditures as against the income over the last …

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NA deliberates on regularizing contract employees

By Sonam Choki There is good news for around 3,700 consolidated contract employees across the country who will now receive better service benefits and social security. The Member from the Maenbi-Tsaenkhar constituency, Choki Gyeltshen, moved the motion to review and regularize consolidated contract employees to regular contract employees today. Choki Gyeltshen said that even though the consolidated contract employees were …

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NC Committee to review quality of farm roads

By Chimi Wangmo The Chairperson of the National Councilโ€™s Good Governance Committee (GGC), MP Sangay Dorji, presented the interim review report on the quality of roads in the ongoing parliament this week. The main objective of the review is to assess the current situation of the farm road, identify challenges, and issues faced in the construction and maintenance of quality …

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NC deliberates on rising suicides and mental health issues

By Tandin Wangchuk The Social and Cultural Affairs Committee of the National Council reported that a review was undertaken to assess the situation of suicide and mental health issues in Bhutan and determine their root causes. This was also done to strengthen preventive and treatment programs while presenting the Interim Review of Suicide and Mental Health Issues in Bhutan to …

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