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Holy smokes: Govt. mulls over exploring medical marijuana

By Sonam Choki In a recent change of stance against the much-debated uses of the weed, Foreign Affairs minister Dr Tandi Dorji said the government is exploring ways to legalise marijuana for medicinal use in the country. The Foreign Affairs Minister said this when the Member of Parliament (MP) from Dramedtse-Ngatshang constituency quizzed him as to when the Narcotic Drugs, …

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Improving mother and child health

By Chimi Wangmo The Ministry of Health (MoH) in partnership with UNDP and JICA, and fund support from the Government of Japan, launched mobile cardiotocography devices, or iCTG this week. The introduction of mobile iCTG is a part of the Health Ministryโ€™s initiative, โ€œReaching every pregnant woman with quality gynaecological and obstetric servicesโ€, which is a gift and blessing from …

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NCGS creating regional imbalance

The Economic and Finance Committee calls for a balance in the pendulum swing By Tashi Namgyal The much touted National Credit Guarantee Scheme (NCGS) has invited criticism from the lower house of the parliament, with members widely pointing out the imbalance in the distribution of NCGS projects across the country. From a total of 81 business projects which were approved …

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Farm shop business drains millions

By Sonam Choki In an unsavory development in the ongoing parliament, t he Agriculture and Forests Minister Yeshey Penjor revealed that the Food Corporation of Bhutan Limited (FCBL) had incurred losses of more than Nu 100 M from farm shops across the country in the last four years. While presenting the Review Report on Farm Shops at the National Assembly, …

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Customs Duty revision sparks debate and friction in parliament

Some members of the National Council shared their concerns over governmentโ€™s decision to revise customs duty to uniform 10 % By Tandin Wangchuk Notwithstanding the governmentโ€™s move to levy a uniform 10% customs duty on all goods imported from third countries, some members of the NC expressed their concerns over the governmentโ€™s decision. They said this untimely move by the …

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