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An education roadmap for the 21st century

The Education Reform document will outline the challenges and issues faced, aspirations and potentials of the way forward for education in line with the Royal Kasho. By Chimi Wangmo Drawing inspiration from the Royal Kasho, Education Minister Jai Bir Rai during the ongoing parliamentary session said the ministry has developed the Education Roadmap for the 21st century which is about …

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Why was I detained?

The man, known by the alias Penjore Penjore, is seeking answers per se the Constitution on what legal grounds has he been detained by the OAG and without a court warrant. By Tashi Namgyal Even after 16 days being out of the detention centre, the one question which pertinently lingers in the mind of Penjore is the grounds on which …

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Mountain Hazelnuts puts staff on unpaid leave

It was a difficult move for the venture as they looks to offset COVID-19 impacts and for the long-term continuity of the company By Phurpa Wangmmo The Impact of COVID- 19 is being felt by individuals, businesses, and countries all around the world. In Bhutan, Mountain Hazelnuts Ventures Pvt. Ltd. is the latest company to take a hit from the …

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A major stain on local start-ups

By Tashi Namgyal The governmentโ€™s proposal to do away with import duty on sanitary products is a direct kick in the teeth of local entrepreneurs who are already faced with stiff competition from third countries. The offer to do away with 30 percent import duty imposed on sanitary products may sound heartfelt, but the impending consequences are imminent as local …

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DGRK and ECP takes the edge off difficulties

By Phurpa Wangmo As per the IMF estimates, the global economy in 2020 is estimated to contract to -3.3 percent, lower by 6.1 percentage points than 2019. The unemployed rate almost doubled to 5 percent in 2020 from 2.7 percent in 2019. The youth unemployment crossed 22 percent from 11.9 percent in 2019. Despite the steep decline in output and …

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